
Evaluation of residential demand response trials with smart heat pumps and batteries and their effect at the substation feeder Jun 2023

A review from Oxford Brookes University of the demand response trial in Barnsley homes using solar, heat pumps and batteries.

The Future of Community Energy – WPI Economics report for SP Energy Networks Jan 2020

P13 Case Study ‘Energise Barnsley also plays an important role in helping to develop solutions to major challenges facing the energy system’

Catalysing People-powered Energy in Yorkshire and the Humber – Sheffield Hallam University Nov 2019

P10 Case Study ‘Energise Barnsley is evidence that progress can be made. In the three years since its launch, the 321 domestic installations – some of them combining solar panels, air source heat pumps and battery storage – has saved residents an estimated £150,000 in total (as of October 2019) and reduced carbon emissions by 1,200 tonnes.

Financing inclusive climate action in the UK. An investor roadmap for the just transition – London School of Economics & Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment Summer 2019

P 33 profile Small-scale and community-owned energy developments offer a way of expanding renewable generation with significant co-benefits for society, notably by targeting installations towards those suffering from fuel poverty and channelling a share of the profits towards social projects. Community ownership and crowdfunding have potential as tools to build a more decentralised energy system.

Bringing local energy benefits to deprived communities – Centre for Sustainable Energy for Barrow Cadbury Trust Apr 2018

P10 Case Study Recommendation to BEIS for more support in low‐income communities for models like Gen Community/Energise Barnsley where community energy assets are developed by professional bodies, and then passed to communities with autonomy as to how the asset will then be managed by the community.