You originally said you were looking to install solar on approximately 5,000 buildings – what’s happened?

  • Energise Barnsley launched on 27 August 2015; the same day the government announced a review of the Feed In Tariff scheme.  This would have stopped the project, but underwriting from Ignite meant that we could continue.
  • We have been growing the project in the line with the funding we have received or plan to raise.
  • Structural and technical restrictions have meant that some buildings and homes have been identified as unsuitable for installation.
  • In order to put solar PV on a roof and to make it most effective, the roof needs to face south, be structurally sound, have the right legal permissions and agreement from the tenants, and have acceptance from the grid operator (Northern Powergrid) to install.  Energise Barnsley started with a large list of buildings which reduced in size as properties failed these criteria .
  • We can only install a maximum 50kilo watt peak per roof, even if the roof could support more solar PV. The restriction was placed on the project by change to government policy in the Autumn of 2015.
  • Once we’ve installed on all of the schools and community buildings, we will have installed panels on 321 residential houses and approximately 30 commercial buildings (schools and sheltered housing blocks).